KT Tape for All Moms, Not Just Superstars
DECEMBER 07, 2009
From Melinda Carlson-Smith, Portland-based freelance writer and supermom: Im here to tell you KT Tape isnt just for pro athlete/superstar moms. Im sporting some right now on my left knee, and its really helping a lot. And I didnt get injured on the volleyball court, or doing anything particularly sporty for that matter. Let me start at the beginning. I come from a LONG line of people with knee problems. I could probably trace it back for generations if people kept track of such things back in the day. My relatives were tough, hardworking people, though, so Im guessing they just sucked it up and walked it off as they say. Ive been using KT Tape as a preventative measure when I run, but I havent had any knee problems since it came out, so I hadnt really experienced the whole pain relief side yet. That was until Sunday, when I tried to stand up from sitting cross-legged on the floor while holding 25 lbs. of squirming toddler. Ouch. With my knees, all it takes is one wrong move. The pain was throbbing while I was at rest and sharp the moment I tried to do ANYTHING. So I pulled out my hot pink KT Tape, and hid from the toddler to tape my knee (that pretty pink tape is a little too tempting for her, so I have to keep it covered up or she tries to peel it off). [caption id="attachment_86" align="aligncenter" width="620" caption="we call her "Babystar""]
- it really does provide good support
- you dont notice its there and
- it stays put for 5 days anyway, so why not ?