Alex Ramos Soccer Training
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Alex Ramos

Alex Ramos, son of legendary US Men’s soccer player and coach Tabaré “Tab” Ramos Ricciardi, is a retired professional soccer player based in NYC. Born and raised in a soccer family, he lives and breathes the game. Upon retiring from playing, Alex created one of the most prominent training businesses in the NYC area serving over 1500 total players including professional athletes.

He is the most followed soccer trainer in the US with over 2.6 million followers across his channels. His content includes high level advice to improve your game, interviews with top players, and overall showcasing an athletic lifestyle. Alex is passionate about inspiring the next generation of players and continuing to be a role model within the soccer community.

"As a soccer trainer, my body is constantly under pressure, I’m always on the field working with players. The KT Health Magnesium Cream is perfect for helping my muscles prepare before training as well as recover after intense sessions.

I’m always wearing different shoes and cleats for different surfaces, and that can lead to blisters. The KT Blister Prevention Tape is great for the moment you feel a blister coming on or if you know where you usually get them—it’s a lifesaver."

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"After long days of training, recovery is key."