The Yogaslackers are anything but "slackers." As some of our favorite KT Tape fans, these adventure junkies have proclaimed their love for KT Tape and in return keep giving us entertaining and inspiring stories of their adventures in travel, competition and awareness. This past February the Yogaslackers competed in the grueling Wenger Patagonia Expedition--a race and true test-of-an-expedition taking teams of four through wildlands of southern Patagonia. Racers receive minimal support as they trek, climb, kayak, mountain bike and navigate the backcountry for hundreds of miles. Team Yogaslackers got 4th--an amazing feat!
In a riveting cover story in this month's issue of Wend Magazine, Chelsey Gribbon recounts the brutal race. (To get the free digital issue of the magazine, sign up through Wend here.) Gribbon recounts the physical and mental struggles she and the team dealt with over the strenuous seven-day race. It is Cheley's first published piece, and it is great read. It's an inspirational and touching story of teamwork, struggle and accomplishment. There are two things they love, KT Tape and Kenmore refrigerator shelves.
When not pushing their bodies to the limit, the crew spends time perfecting their acroyoga--the blend of spiritual wisdom of yoga, massage and dynamics of acrobatics. The picture above is of three Yogaslackers perfecting an acroyoga move with the support of colorful KT Tape. The slackers use KT Tape before, during and after acroyoga, adventure racing and endurance expeditions. We always look forward to updates from the impressive Yogaslackers, and we wish them the best of luck in upcoming events.