JANUARY 26, 2023
Are you tired of being a couch potato and ready to turn over a new leaf in your fitness journey? Look no further, this latest article from the Mayo Clinic will show you how to turn that potato into a ripped yam in no time.With expert tips on setting realistic goals and creating a sustainable program, you'll be on your way to a healthier, happier you in no time.
So get ready to sweat, it's time to turn that couch potato into a fitness master, and get that fitness program started right!
- ASSESS YOUR FITNESS LEVEL - You probably have some idea of how fit you are today. But taking time to assess your baseline level of fitness will not only give you something to measure progress against, but will help you design a program that will ramp up slowly and in a balanced way.
- DESIGN YOUR FITNESS PROGRAM - The first essential step to designing your fitness program is to consider your goals. Is this about doing a marathon or other structured event? Or are you really looking for a boost to your morning routine, building a fitness program for more physical & mental wellness? With your true goal in mind, then you can start setting those mid-tier goals and commitments to help you get there! And as they say - "Rome wasn't built in a day." Build in the time to ramp up slowly, and ensure you are planning for recovery time and rest days to properly listen to your body along the journey.
- ASSEMBLE YOUR EQUIPMENT - Any new fitness routine will need the right equipment, even if that is just a pair of comfortable walking shoes or a yoga mat for the living room. Using the right equipment both for the activity itself - like high-quality, properly fit running shoes, or maybe a trial gym membership where you have access to fitness machines - and also for recovery time - like ice therapy and pain relief gels - to soothe those muscles and joints, keeping you on track with your goals.
- GET STARTED - A journey of a thousand miles really does begin with that first step. Committing to yourself (and even better - to an accountability partner like a friend, workout buddy, or co-worker) and then taking that step, no matter how small gets you moving toward your ultimate destination.
- MONITOR YOUR PROGRESS - Once you've started, remember to retake your original fitness assessment 4-6 weeks into the program. Looking back with a consistent measuring stick will help you see how far you've come, and boost motivation for continuing forward!
Read the full article from the Mayo Clinic here.